Sunday, January 3, 2010

Holistic Excellence

29 December 2009

Holistic excellence is living in dynamic equilibrium and integral balance with the whole of reality. It is characterized by a sense of peace, harmony and unity with all things, having attained that deep sense of inner peace and confidence in the love in whom we live and have our being.

Holistic excellence does not necessarily imply freedom from any strain, struggle or pain, or conflict, but rather, a potential for swiftly moving away from them within short notice - just time enough to be aware of their presence and seeing the doorway to freedom.

It takes some time to learn holistic excellence. Not because it is a complicated thing, but because it is too simple as to elude the person convoluted by the fascinating, distracting and worrying aspects of daily living which have been programmed unknowingly to oneself. And so there is a need to explore ways to vanish the elements that prevent its being realized in our life.

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